Two posts in quick succesion are an unwelcome surprise considering the subject today. Even more unusual is that I’m writing this on the day in question which prompted this post. This isn’t turning into a stream of consciousness blog. Yet. Consider this a PSA and an attempt by me to fully process what happened. Despite some (okay, many) of my mental hangups, there are a few things I am quite confident about when it comes to myself.


One of my favourite t-shirts has a collection of floppies on the front which spell out “NOSTALGIA IS A DRUG”, and I’ll be hecked if that ain’t the truth folks. I’m in a bit of mental rut right now and have been for several months (I started writing this post in November last year, SO MUCH HAS HAPPENED). These situations of duress that my brain subjects itself to tends to me make so introspective it’s a wonder I don’t collapse into some sort of singularity on the spot.


It’s been a while, I am a little bit sick, and a little bit antsy, so y’all know what that means. Yes, a new hobby to take up all my time another blog post! So much has happened such a I last wrote, there is a whole additional person in my house now, but I’m not quite ready to write about that. I mean, I’m not sure I am entirely ready, period.


I’ve had a hankering to write a new blog post for a while now, and of course they’ve just been flowing out without issue I’ve been lacking the activation energy to write about things. This got me thinking about activation energy and how commonly it gets thrown around in non-technical conversation. Intuitively it seems to make sense and sounds neat, “I don’t have the energy to activate this task”. Though, I wonder how many people know of the origin of the term.


After many years I’ve finally done it, the blog is moved from WordPress to Hugo! I’m still getting used to all the syntax (and theme configuration), but most of my old posts made it over without too much pain. For those curious, the site is stored on GitHub, and then integrated with Cloudflare Pages CI for updating and deployment. Just be careful to set your env vars for the right Hugo version on Cloudflare otherwise you will have a bad time.


After a heck of a long time and a lot of hemming and hawing over what I can only describe as extreme reticence over the future of my computing habits, I have purchased a new laptop. This is where you would expect I tell you all about it and you’re wrong (unless you looked at the title first). To understand the new, we must first understand the not new. The Old™.


3 posts a year, what is this, 2015? Don’t get used to it. I’m compelled to write, I have many notes, my evening is open, and I have a splitting headache. Ideal combination, no? There are a couple of topics I want to explore today in brief: Update on the Shelly experiment Quick notes on going solar Networking (now featuring more DNS problems) Now let’s dive into it before I make any further unkeepable promises of followups.


I did promise another post Soon™ didn’t I? Well here it is. The very first thing I wanted to control with my new zest for home automation is the entry gate to our home. The motivations are simple: Link it to exterior lighting so I can automate us not having to walk in the dark when getting home late Provide guest access without buying and programming in more remotes Allow remote access for deliveries when I’m not home Undeniable cool factor and nerd cred Now, my gate motor is the ET-500, named imaginatively by E.


As is tradition, I first have to point out the infrequency of my posts. I stand in awe of those who manage a consistent weekly output. Now, some of you may be skittish and disbelieving, but I hope to actually pulp out a few of these this week to talk about further home automation stuff. Maybe even touch on some of the stuff I vaguely vagued at this post. It’s the partial end times, anything could happen.


Who’s ready for another rambling diatribe of way too much stuff for a single blog post? That was a rhetorical question, what are you even doing here if you are complaining? Who defines blog post length? Fie to you! So. Aside from the handy draft I’ve just published, I’ve yet again allowed almost a year between posts on this site. Looking back it’s like an uncomfortably abrubt series of time capsules showing me at various stages of life in the last few years.